Top 6 Ways To Make Educational Institutions Smarter With Analytics Dashboard

30 August 2018

Top 6 Ways To Make Educational Institutions Smarter With Analytics Dashboard

The advancement of technology has blossomed so well in this present age that its massive effects has demanded and forced changes in the procedural and daily activities of prominent and small sectors of the world such as construction, communications, agriculture, healthcare and even in human resource management.

There are ways with which elementary schools, high schools, colleges, universities and other institutions can harness the benefits that analytical dashboard offers to have a more robust academic pedigree. In this article, I will discuss these ways and how each can help to make for a smarter institution for our smart students in a dynamic and smart age.

Boost Admission ROI

It's interesting to know that one of the powerful benefits of analytical dashboard and data tools is the use of prescriptive and predictive intelligence to have a better understanding of demographics, student history and attendance population of previous freshmen and new students of each educational category. These data and information help to determine the enrolment probabilities to allow institutions have higher recruitment yield every session. Institutions can also make use of a well developed analytical education erp software to focus scholarship programs on quality students with higher chances of enrolling, staying at the college or universities and graduating.

Robust School Attendance

The management aspect of any school or institution knows that student attendance is very important and may be difficult or stressful to track when working with a large number of students. The school management software which is a central platform for management and any other school activities is the way to go for a smarter and better school attendance tracking that is perfect. Every students' details including their academic performance is easily accessed from the dashboard management system of the school which is well incorporated into the erp software.

Boost Student Progress with BI-Dashboard

Determination of Academic Excellence and Laxity

It is the smart age and to determine academic performance that shows excellence or laxity in different courses offered by students of an institution is very easy with the efforts and advancement provided by analytic dashboards. The student information system comes very handy to determine the performance of every student and have information about courses where students excel most or have difficulties with. This information will definitely help each school to investigate the causes of difficulties and find necessary solutions.

Combat Dropout Rate

The use of education management software and its many incorporated platforms makes it easy to access students data including the socioeconomic realities that affect them. Making use of these data and information to track such students with higher chances of dropping out will help schools to mitigate it before it happens.

Read more - How Data Analytics Enhance Student Retention Along With Graduation Rates

Locate Donors and Philanthropic Organisation for Funds

The usefulness of having an analytical dashboard is numerous and it includes having both data and information of parents and alumni incorporated to be able to determine which of them can help invest in any of the school's activities or donate to sponsor the school scholarship drives. Philanthropists and non-governmental organisations can also be known through data analytical gathering for fund donation.

Posted By:
Anand Shirke

Anand Shirke,

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